Guanang (Shirley) Su


I am a first year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at University of Minnesota. I work in Robotics:Perception and Manipulation (RPM) Lab with Professor Karthik Desingh. Before that, I worked as a research assistant in The Helping Hands Lab advised by Professor Robert Platt.

I am passionate about robotics, like vision, manipulation, planning, and perception. My current research topic is robot learning and manipulation with equivariant symmetric.

I am willing to be a robotic scientist in the future.


Sep 21, 2023 Our paper A General Theory of Correct, Incorrect, and Extrinsic Equivariance has been accepted to NeurIPS 2023.
Aug 01, 2023 Joining RPM lab and starts my Ph.D. journey! :sparkles: :robot:
Jun 30, 2023 Finished my MS thesis defense in Topic Sample Efficient Learning and Grasping. :tada:

Latest Posts


  1. NeurIPS
    A General Theory of Correct, Incorrect, and Extrinsic Equivariance
    Dian Wang , Xupeng Zhu , Jung Yeon Park , Mingxi Jia , Guanang Su, Robert Platt , and Robin Walters
    In 37th Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) , 2023
  2. ICRA
    Seil: Simulation-augmented equivariant imitation learning
    Mingxi Jia , Dian Wang , Guanang Su, David Klee , Xupeng Zhu , Robin Walters , and Robert Platt
    In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2023
  3. AR
    On Robot Grasp Learning Using Equivariant Models
    Xupeng Zhu , Dian Wang , Guanang Su, Ondrej Biza , Robin Walters , and Robert Platt
    Autonomous Robots, 2023
  4. RSS
    Sample Efficient Grasp Learning Using Equivariant Models
    Xupeng Zhu , Dian Wang , Ondrej Biza , Guanang Su, Robin Walters , and Robert Platt
    Robotics: Science and Systems XVIII (RSS), 2022