On Robot Grasp Learning Using Equivariant Models
Jul 1, 2013ยท,,,,ยท
1 min read
Xupeng Zhu
Dian Wang
Guanang Su
Ondrej Biza
Robin Walters
Robert Platt
In planar grasp detection, the goal is to learn a function from an image of a scene onto a set of feasible grasp poses in SE(2). In this paper, we recognize that the optimal grasp function is SE(2)-equivariant and can be modeled using an equivariant convolutional neural network. As a result, we are able to significantly improve the sample efficiency of grasp learning, obtaining a good approximation of the grasp function after only 600 grasp attempts. This is few enough that we can learn to grasp completely on a physical robot in about 1.5 hours.
In Autonomous Robots, 2023.
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